Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Check the tag.

If something does not feel right, check the tag. This is a good reminder, especially if you are 5 1/2.

Sophia continued to pick at her underwear that was causing a wedgie after her bath tonight. I continued to ask,
"Is it too small?"
"Do you need different underwear?"

The underwear actually seemed a little baggy. They continued to bother her, so I told her to change them before bed. This is when I discovered that she had her underwear on sideways. This means that her waist was through a leg hole, one leg was in the correct spot and the other leg was through the waist ---- where the tag was sticking out. I believe this can only happen to a 5 1/2 year old because her waist is so small it actually fit through the leg hole. (I do not recommend anyone trying to see if it would work for them. )

We switched the underwear into the right position and she was much happier.

So, make sure to check the tag.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Potty training progress

I have to admit that I have been working at this potty training thing half hearted. Miles pees every time that we put him on the potty, but does not always tell us that he needs to go potty. Therefore, there can be many messes to clean up. On Tuesday, we were in Meijer and he pooped while "looking" at a new bike. This was messy AND i did not have a diaper in my purse. So, we bought some new big boy underwear, wipes and headed to the potty after checking out with our purchases. He did a great job for the rest of the day and stayed dry. I was pretty impressed. However, something in me clicked tonight. I knew that he was trying to poop. Sorry, but it is really easy to tell with him. So I told him if he pooped on the potty, I would take him out to get ice cream to celebrate. (Yes, I bribed him,) AND IT WORKED. He did a great job, pooped quickly and we were off. I must have been a little too excited, put him in more big boy underwear and 5 minutes later he also pooped in them.

None the less, we are really excited. We had to make some phone calls to g.g. (who is in Denver, CO) and grandpa herb. Hopefully this will continue down a good path. He will be starting a new pre-school program in the fall and he must be potty trained. I think he can make it

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Some days, the kids actually like each other and enjoy sitting together. This particular day, I actually was able to take a picture to have proof that they love each other.

Miles was wearing the hat that came along with the $12.00 cotton candy. Sophia could not stop talking about having cotton candy, so that is the only thing we spent $$ on at the circus. Miles really enjoyed the hat, Sophia enjoyed the cotton candy.
Sophia made this hair clip at school and was very proud to wear it home.
She looks ready for the beach!

I love the look in Sophia's eyes. Her energy and excited. She also is starting to get her summer freckles. I just love them!

She was posing before going to a party. Each night, she take the time to dress for dinner in new, clean clothes and makes sure that her hair is brushed and hands clean. I think that she may actually be a princess

Spring Game 2009

This year we got tickets through my work to go to the spring game. They were reserved seats, which is good so that we did not have to come out too early. It was such a beautiful day, 80 degrees and sunny. Therefore, we were off to the Shoe so Miles could see where they play football. This was the 1st time for Miles to be at the Shoe. Surprisingly, no one was burned. This may only be that Justin was wearing 85SPF. Yes, I said 85.

Miles and Dad
Miles enjoying the sites of the football players.

Sophia keeping her eyes shaded, while the sun was out SO much!

Miles sat with my friend Karen for part of the game. He can always sweet talk a new girl everywhere he is at to get what he wants, i.e. a better seat.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Red in the face

This one is for you Mr. Dawson. I hope to be able to get some pictures up soon, but Miles has been sick for a little while and there is not much sleep happening at our house.

However, before Miles was sick, we ran to Kroger to try to pick up a few things. Unlike the rest of the members of my household, I rarely fart, toot, pass gas, (whatever you want to call it). I must have farted in the vitamin isle and Miles LOUDLY started to say


I was laughing so hard that I began to cry. Luckily, i was able to distract him with some gum and I was able to escape the vitamin isle before anything else escaped me. I do not think anyone saw me laughing or actually heard Miles, but nevertheless, I was red in the face