Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Check the tag.

If something does not feel right, check the tag. This is a good reminder, especially if you are 5 1/2.

Sophia continued to pick at her underwear that was causing a wedgie after her bath tonight. I continued to ask,
"Is it too small?"
"Do you need different underwear?"

The underwear actually seemed a little baggy. They continued to bother her, so I told her to change them before bed. This is when I discovered that she had her underwear on sideways. This means that her waist was through a leg hole, one leg was in the correct spot and the other leg was through the waist ---- where the tag was sticking out. I believe this can only happen to a 5 1/2 year old because her waist is so small it actually fit through the leg hole. (I do not recommend anyone trying to see if it would work for them. )

We switched the underwear into the right position and she was much happier.

So, make sure to check the tag.

1 comment:

Sarah Dee said...

This also happens to 19 year old college students. At least, according to my roommate my sophomore year who woke up from a night of 'fun' in the shower. She had lost all of her clothing, except for the sideways underwear. Never figured out how that happened.