Sunday, May 17, 2009


Some days, the kids actually like each other and enjoy sitting together. This particular day, I actually was able to take a picture to have proof that they love each other.

Miles was wearing the hat that came along with the $12.00 cotton candy. Sophia could not stop talking about having cotton candy, so that is the only thing we spent $$ on at the circus. Miles really enjoyed the hat, Sophia enjoyed the cotton candy.
Sophia made this hair clip at school and was very proud to wear it home.
She looks ready for the beach!

I love the look in Sophia's eyes. Her energy and excited. She also is starting to get her summer freckles. I just love them!

She was posing before going to a party. Each night, she take the time to dress for dinner in new, clean clothes and makes sure that her hair is brushed and hands clean. I think that she may actually be a princess

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