Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What to do on a snowday

Of course, we finally think the snow is done. It took Justin over 3 hours to shovel out our driveway and sidewalks from all the snow and ice that we received over the past day (not sure of the actual total snowfall). I decided we needed to keep the kids extra busy today, so we put up the tent. This was a great purchase from Sorry that the pictures are out of order, still working on perfecting the blogging, but here are the pictures.

Miles is enjoying his grilled cheese sandwich as a picnic in the tent.

Sophia also enjoyed the picnic.
Miles was attempting to tell us how great the tent is, but he just looks angry. I guess that he is making a point.
Sophia and Miles were really enjoying their "clubhouse"
Here is a picture of our tent sitting up in the living room. It is big enough that the adults can even get in and stand up most of the way.
While Sophia and Miles were still in their p.j.'s, they took the time to bring down friends, blankets, and bean bags to make the tent more comfortable.

We really enjoyed our snowday!!! we even made cookies and enjoyed all of our time together. However, Justin vows to get out of the house tomorrow, NO MATTER WHAT! (he was off tues, wed, and is scheduled to be off with the kids on friday and does not want a 6 day weekend at home) We hope that Sophia can return to school tomorrow, but we will just have to see. So what did you do during your snowday???


Sarah Dee said...

It looks like the kids had a great time in the tent. How sweet!

I spend the day removing wall paper from our basement walls. I'll post some pictures later.

Unknown said...

Miles looks like Justin when he is trying to make his point. (-: