Sunday, June 22, 2008


Before Miles was born, we expected him to start daycare at 3 months old. However, everything changes with his heart defect. We knew that he would need to stay awake from most germs for a while, until his body was strong enough to fight awake any germs that there might be. We wanted to make sure that he had the chance to get exposure to the germs that would help him with his immune system so he would not be out of school when he first started and he needed to get the socialization. We were lucky enough that on that 2 days that I worked, my mom would be able to take care of him. we expected that by the time he was 2 (in October), he would be in school. After his heart cath in May, our pulmonalogist thought it would be good to start him in daycare this summer when the germs we not SO bad. Therefore, we are going to start him in school 1 day a week when we get back from vacation.

We decided to do a trial run at school to let him get used to the other kids. The 1st day only lasted about 15 minutes. It was a little late when we got there and he was tired. The biggest problem was a little girl that just walked up to him and hit him in the eye. At this point, he started to cry and we could not get him calmed down. Then we went home and he took a three hour nap.

So we decided to try again the next day. We went at an earlier time when the kids would all be heading outside. We arrived just as everyone was gathering to walk down to the playground area at the end of the building. Again, the same little girl went after Miles and tried to hit him, but the adults were able to stop him. We got outside, but Miles was alittle overwhelmed by all the kids and did not want down. Finally, he was able to get down and started to play. He got onto the slide and was away from all the adults. The same little girl made a break for it, gave him a big hug and kiss, AND MADE HIM BLEED. we are not actually sure what made him bleed, but the administration was worried and sent the little girl home. The felt that it was important for the little girl and her parents to know that this was not OK. That made me feel better, because I was worried that she would keep ganging up on him. Previously, we had a lot of trouble with a little boy hitting Sophia frequently at school. They eventually moved him to the bigger classroom with BIGGER kids, and he eventually left.

All in all, we spent about 2 hours at school. He are a few picture of him having fun at school and the end result.

Music time with Ms. Shannon, Gracie, Mikah, Maddie, Katilyn, and Sam.

Hugging his newest friend, Maddie. She is usually stone cold around new people. SHe has a look that could kill, but underneath that hard shell, she is very sweet. Here she is hugging Miles. She gave him about 8 hugs.
Here Miles is hugging Sam. Sam has an older brother named Miles.

All in all, there was good success in the end. We will se how July 2nd goes. It may be a whole nother story after vacation and withour mom there.

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